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Implementing secure SCADA


Securing SCADA is really a tough job when it has to be implementedpractically; however, we can look for some of the following key points when securing SCADA systems:

  • Keep an eye on every connection made to SCADA networks and figure outif any unauthorized attempts were made

  • Make sure all the network connections are disconnected when they arenot required
    Implement all the security features provided by the system vendors

  • Implement IDPS technologies for both internal and external systems andapply incident monitoring for 24hours

  • Document all the network infrastructure and provide individual roles toadministrators and editors

  • Establish IR teams and blue teams for identifying attack vectors on aregular basis


Restricting networks

Networks can be restricted in the event of attacks related tounauthorized access, unwanted open services, and so on. Implementing the cure by removing or uninstallingservices is the best possible defense againstvarious SCADA attacks.

